The Human Rights Guide platform in Ukraine was unveiled on 22nd November 2023. Participants from various areas of society - students, lawyers, advocates, state institutions and employees of non-government organizations, journalists and representatives of universities and businesses, took part in the opening event.
Madara Siliņa, the Second Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Latvia, Lolita Buka, Senior Researcher at the Baltic Human Rights Society and Oleksandra Romantsova, Executive Director of the Centre for Civil Liberties introduced participants to the initiative at the opening event of the Human Rights Guide.
The Executive Director at the Centre for Civil Liberties, Oleksandra Romantsova, and its Project Expert, Vyacheslav Likhachev, as well as the Guide Coordinator, Yevgenia Kubaha, took part in a discussion about the role of human rights in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of the Guide to society and talked about the opportunities for its use. Participants at the discussion talked about current issues concerning breaches of human rights in Ukraine and the importance of education in the short and long-term perspective. After the discussion, participants were involved in a practical activity using the Human Rights Guide, and the on-line educative tools in the Ukrainian and the English language, contained within it.
Participants found out about the structure of the Guide and its user-friendly functions, as well as sharing their experience and comments. All agreed that the Guide will be an important instrument for self-education on human rights for various target groups. The Education Ombudsman, Serhiy Gorbachev, praised the Guide highly and provided suggestions for ways to further improve its content.
The Human Rights Guide is the first Ukrainian-English language resource for self-education on human rights. It provides an opportunity to find out about sources of law, court practice and other useful resources, as well as to find out where to seek support in situations, where human rights may have been breached. The Ukrainian Human Rights Guide is accessible on the site, as well as on the common European platform
Topics within the Guide, their adaptation to situations within the country and solutions for various situations in daily life, will be discussed at subsequent events for disseminating it in Ukraine, and will include interested parties extending from law students to defenders of human rights and representatives of state institutions.
We express our thanks to all supporters and participants who have contributed to the successful integration of the Human Rights Guide in Ukraine.
The Human Rights Guide in Ukraine was created by non-government organizations, the Baltic Human Rights Society and 2022 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Ukraine’s Centre for Civil Liberties, with financial support from the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Latvia within the framework of the “Inclusive Education on Human Rights – the Path to Good Governance and Democratic Participation” developmental cooperation project.
Further information and support:
Centre for Civil Liberties’ Facebook entry;
Human Rights Guide’s Facebook entry;
Article about the opening event on the CCL’s home page.